May 5, 2011

How to get the best Kindle books for FREE!!!

      I thought I might share my own tactics in obtaining all the newest and best kindle books without cost to me. Before you even begin to wonder, NO I am not a pirate and YES the authors still get paid. HOW!?! you ask.... here's how:

You can use my referral link:  CLICK HERE

Sign up for swagbucks and install the toolbar. With this toolbar, you can use swagbucks' search engine, which periodically awards you for using it with $wagbucks. Once you have 450 swagbucks (which never takes long with the amount of searching I do), you can trade them in for a $5 Amazon gift card. I do nothing but typical searches and I get gift cards to buy kindle books with!!! You can apply as many as you want to your account, so even if you're yearning for that $9.99 ebook, you can still get it for free and the author gets more sales! It's a win-win.

You can use my referral link above to get 30 swagbucks right off the bat.

Truth be known, I used to use swagbucks feverishly. As you can tell from my rewards page shown below, I've been slacking.

This is what it looks like when the search gives you rewards (got this one just now):


  1. LOL how clever is that! Don't have a Kindle but for those who do...

  2. You can download a free kindle for PC from Amazon if you don't have a hand-held. You can get it here:

  3. This is a great idea! I've been using Swagbucks for a long time now, but I never thought of using them for ebooks!
